Arendal International School offers After School Care (SFO) that is open for students from Grade 1 to Grade 4. Applications from students in Grade 5 and 6 will be considered as long as the SFO has vacancies.
The School provides supervision for all PYP students from 7.45-8.35, this is not part of the SFO program.
You must already be registered as a student before applying for SFO.
Monday – Friday 14.10-16.30 pm.
A simple snack will be provided at SFO (fruit, crackers, ham, eggs, cucumber, carrots) every day Monday to Friday afternoon.
SFO is open for five days after school ends in June and for five days before school starts in August from 07.45-16.30 (Summer SFO). SFO is closed during all school holidays (autumn, Christmas, winter, Easter and summer).
Resignation time in SFO is one month from the 1st of the month. Please note that April 1st is the last resignation deadline before summer.
Payment for SFO follows the system in Arendal Municipality: you pay per month regardless of the number of school/SFO days, for 10 months (September-June).
For those not enrolled in SFO (per full day during Summer SFO week in June/August 07.45 – 16.30): 355 NOK per afternoon
A 25% fee reduction is offered for siblings attending SFO 5 afternoons a week
Payment is due in advance, on the 16th of each month. The first payment is due 16th of September.
You can reach us via email: or telephone us on: 484 42 121.
The After School Care Programme (SFO) at Arendal International School (AIS) offers care and supervision after school, for children in Grades 1-4 and for children with documented special needs in Grades 5 and 6. SFO should offer the children in their care safe and enjoyable activities with an emphasis on play, according to the children’s own culture and socialization, age group, functional level and interests.
1 Ownership
The SFO at Arendal International School (AIS) is owned and operated by Stiftelsen Arendal International School under the provisions of the Education Act § 13-7.
The School Board approves the budget and bylaws of the SFO.
2 Admission procedure
The Head of School, in cooperation with the SFO leader, decides upon the numbers of children admitted. The SFO place is retained until the end of 4th grade, or until terminated.
The main admission of children takes place in the Spring with the deadline being April 1st and is valid for commencement in August. Registration is via the Parent Dashboard, Student Details. Applications can also be made throughout the year, on the first of each month.
3 Admission Criteria
All children in 1st-4th grade wishing to attend SFO should be offered a place. SFO can accept applications from students in 5th and 6th grade as long as we have the capacity.
The admission of children with special needs (1st-6th grade) can take place only after a Statement of Needs is received from the appropriate authority in accordance with an individual plan. The Head of School will then write an individual decision in cooperation with the head of the SFO.
Refusal of admission may be appealed against under the Administration Act §§, 28 and 29.
4 Admission period and termination of the SFO Place
The SFO place is retained until the end of 4th grade, or until terminated. One month’s notice is required from the 1st of the month should a place wish to be resigned. Written notice via the Parent Dashboard, Student Details is required. The same applies if you wish to reduce or increase the hours during the school year.
If all or part of the place is resigned after April 1st, full payment is required until the end of June.
5 SFO fees
Fees may be adjusted by the Board from time to time. If fees are not paid correctly, the SFO place can be terminated by the School, with four weeks written notice.
A 25% fee reduction is offered for other siblings attending SFO.
If extra hours are required from time to time at SFO no sibling discount can be offered.
6 SFO premises
SFO must have premises and play areas in or adjacent to the school. This can be combined with classrooms and other rooms available at the school. Within the school grounds, there should be a playground with play equipment catering for the various age groups at SFO.
7 Daily attendance and annual hours
Parents / Guardians must indicate on their application the hours required at SFO prior to the child being enrolled. Any changes must be communicated to the SFO Leader, in writing, via the Parent Dashboard, Student Details.
Parents / Guardians must notify the SFO staff, in writing, ahead of time if their child will be leaving with someone other than themselves and/or at a different time than normal.
SFO is open for the same number of days that the school is open, ie 190 school days a year. In addition, SFO will be open five days before and five days after school term ends – “Summer SFO”.
Annual total: 200 days
Daily opening hours for SFO: from 14.10 to 16.30 pm
SFO is closed during the school holidays, except the five days before and after the school year, and all public holidays. See note regarding Summer SFO.
The following options are offered:
Single Days: Children who do not attend SFO can buy single days with prior agreement with the SFO leader, as long as the SFO has the capacity.
A simple snack a day is included within the SFO fees. Good eating habits and healthy options are promoted.
8 Summer SFO
SFO is open five days before school starts in August and five days after it ends in June, between 07.45 and 16.30.
Registration for these days must be done separately. Hours and collecting times should be the same as in other months, if not otherwise agreed.
9 Staffing and management
The Head of School has overall responsibility for the SFO.
The SFO leader is responsible for the daily operations, reporting directly to the Head of School. The SFO leader should hold monthly meetings with Head of School.
The SFO leader should have an educational background or other relevant education/qualifications. In addition to the SFO leader, other staff members should be relevantly qualified.
The SFO should work in a well-structured way with the school, guardians/parents, volunteers and the community.
Staffing must be appropriate to the age, needs and abilities of the children. It means a staffing norm that is flexible and can be customized according to needs.
Staff at SFO are covered by the professional secrecy act (ref. Administration Act § 13-13) and the disclosure of Social Services/Child Welfare (Education Act § 15-3 and § 15-4.) Requirements relating to police records (Education Act § 10-9) are on an equal footing as with other staff at the school.
Both children and staff in SFO are insured in the same way as they are during school time.
Adopted by the Board, February 2023..